Monday 26 April 2010


By definition it mean: the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. (
The truth is it does not matter how you define what it is most likely everyone has done it at least once in their academic life. I personally believe that using someone's work to help you is perfectly fine but when one tries to pass it off as hisher's own that’s where the problem lies. I hope that new methods are being developed to stop those who unlawfully plagiarise get caught before it is too late!!


Thursday 15 April 2010


Most people who have been brought up in this country have most definitely experienced some form of bullying whether it be in school, in the work place, or even on the street in your local area. It affects people in different ways and it is done for many different reasons. Someone who gets bullied may go to the extremes and commit suicide (do not seem so surprised because this does happen!!). Or they may just ignore the bullying and hope the person(s) may get fed up and stop. regardless of how people deal with bullying I believe that it should not be done unless in certain circumstances; such as, if a child bullies another child a teacher may bully the bully in a way in which he/she may learn a lesson from tasting one's own medicine.
However, as it may not seem some bullies bully as a result of experiencing it (which does not make it right), but does in a way justify the action. Over recent years there has been an increase in organisations that help those who have been on the wrong side of the bullies. Some have been given in the links:

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Response to Mewish's blog on Typical Asian British Girl
I see that you have placed stupid in speech marks, im presuming that you do not consider having illegal relationships, such as boyfriend/girlfriend as morally wrong??
Whilst I agree with your viewpoint on how parents need to be open minded, and that girls should be allowed to enter higher education etc, i dont think that parents use religion to emotionally blackmail their children, rather they use, and they admit to using tradional/cultural blackmail!!
I think the question is that do you personally accept having pre marital relationships is morally corrupt and see it as having negative impact on social relationships, regardless of whether you are asian/british??

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Response to BB's blog on Cross Dressing

I agree with BB with regards to not knowing why people cross dress and what they wish to achieve. One suggestion could be that the person is not happy with his/her physical appearance and therefore tries not only to be someone else but to try and change one's gender by changing one's presented appearance.


Vandalism is common in areas where the community are a majority working class and where the youth are left alone. It is done is places where there is not much concern for the surroundings. It usually ends in something being damaged but can sometimes result in someone being hurt. Many things can be done and are being done to prevent this and can be found on the link provided.

Wednesday 24 March 2010


In this day and age, we see a very common thing that happens is stealing. it can take many forms from pick pocketing to armed robbery. All of this comes from the same source. However, each hold a different weight of seriousness. Many people have different reasons for committing this crime. I believe that it is something bad and should not be done, and if anyone has been robbed knows that it is not a nice feeling having something taken off you unjustly. However, when people resort to this out of need and not desire I believe that there should be some discrepancy with regards to punishment.


Tuesday 23 March 2010

Response to Jon's blog on Drugs
I agree with Jon and think that what he states is true. However, I think he should research more in the effects of marijuana and the evil outcomes that come as a result of its use.


Use of illegal drugs causes serious problems and many upsets in our communities. Drug addiction causes young people to drop out of school and thus ruining their educational prospects and decreasing their life chance, and in effect makes parents lose interest in their children. This causes family break ups and therefore can also ruin the lives of younger siblings in families. It pushes people into lives of crime and poverty, destroys ambition and ruins lives. Drug dealing brings crime and violence to otherwise peaceful communities, and makes people feel helpless and afraid in their own home towns.


Saturday 20 March 2010

Response to Waqar's post on Stalking
I agree with Waqar in the sense that stalking should only be done when there is a greater benefit out of it as he stated stalking a suspected criminal etc. When it is done out of desires i believe that it is very wrong and the person should understand where to stop.


Throughout the ages past women have always been used and abused by the destructive nature of man. In today's modern "civilised" society we can see this in progress in the pornographic material where women are paid to sell their bodies to fulfil the lusts of the man. Today due to the economical pressures and the lack of moral and social education a women will sell her body for a printed piece of cotton commonly known as "cash", which if we analyse is as useful as toilet paper.

Friday 19 March 2010


Lying is described in many different ways such as, bending the truth, deceiving, misleading etc. The list can go on and on. However, it is seen as always being bad and if practised on a regular basis is frowned upon!!! AND most definitely not a nice characteristic to have. I believe that sometimes it is permissible in certain cases e.g. when the truth may cause more harm than if one was to tell a lie.

Response to Ahsan's post on Lying
I share the veiws that Ahsan has with regard to lying and believe that lying can be done to prevent the greater harm that the truth may cause.

Thursday 18 March 2010


There are many reasons why people smoke which are both unusual and unique. The general society sees smoking as something which is appalling from both parties those that smoke and those who do not. As is very common when you see a smoking person they know and understand that it is an act that is looked down on and not good for your health and most of these people warns against it but, when asked about why they smoke they just brush it off and say it’s usually from their weakness.